Monthly Archives: May 2011

Bigger Than Jesus?

In 1966 John Lennon commented that The Beatles had become more popular than Jesus, a comment that caused a storm of controversy. Even Jesus himself pitched in, giving Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band a semi-scathing 3-star review in his parish newsletter, claiming it was ‘overblown pomp from jumped up twerps’.

Now with the miracle of modern internetting we can find out who or what today can claim the same and maybe get vicars all over the land foaming over their teacups.

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Didn’t He Do Well…?

Everybody loves Bruce Forsyth don’t they? Of course they do, especially you, you love him, look at his face, go on look at it, look at it now.

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Unleash the Cobrascope

It was a different world on the other side of the glass. Well, not glass, but a toughened transparent polymer, but the term fitted just as well as any, expect maybe ‘chingbalungs’, which wouldn’t have fitted at all.

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