Unleash the Cobrascope

It was a different world on the other side of the glass. Well, not glass, but a toughened transparent polymer, but the term fitted just as well as any, expect maybe ‘chingbalungs’, which wouldn’t have fitted at all.

It looked like our world there, but it was just off-centre, the colours were slightly out and even techno-Jesus wouldn’t have been able to fix the contrast. None of that mattered, because through the other end of the Cobrascope there were an infinity of wonderful things. All of these things sat in the world so much like our own, sat, waiting, reading the old magazines and counting the ceiling tiles, waiting to be found.

I dropped the scope from my eyes and it took a second for this world to come into focus, but before red was red I couldn’t stop writing, pouring the hot buttery words onto the page. It was time.

It was time for people to discover things.

About quantumpirate

Professional geek, amateur epigrammatist, vaguely piratey.

Posted on May 29, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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