The Noble Art – Part 1


A dapper gentleman with greying hair, the HOST, addresses the camera directly. Behind him is a stylised sports graphic, part of a studio set.

HOST – We have in the studio with us today three faces that you might not recognise, but once the Olympics kick off they’ll make David Beckham, Ronnie O’Sullivan and Paula Radcliffe seem like Carlton Palmer, Willie Thorne and Fatima Whitbread, it’s the Great British thumb wrestling team.

Three guests sit in the studio with the host. A slobbish unkempt brute  JONO MARTIN, a bespectacled geeky man ANTON JENKINS and a glamorous woman ELLEN SPREADBURY.

HOST – Welcome to the show team, it’s a pleasure to have you here.

ELLEN – Pleasure to be here.

ANTON – It’s an honour.

Jono, distracted ogling Ellen, does not respond straight away. He spare a second to look over to the Host.

JONO – Yeah, whatever.

HOST – For anyone who has been living under a rock recently, how about a quick demonstration?

The Host looks over the team, initially at Jono. Jono leans forward looking as if he’ll demonstrate, only to reach under his chair to bring out a beer. As he leans back and opens it with his thumb the other two look at each other, Anton looking at Ellen a fraction too long before starting the demonstration.

ANTON – We lock hands to start and then begin the mantra.

ANTON & ELLEN – One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war.

They feign a quick wrestle. Jono continues to drink, uninterested. Ellen pins Anton’s thumb.

ELLEN – One, two, three, four, I win the thumb war.

Ellen tries to pull her hand away and Anton holds on, letting go after Ellen gives a second ‘pull’.

ELLEN – And it’s brilliantly simple, the first person to do that, wins. Give it a go.

ANTON – Obviously there are complications but those are the fundamentals.

Jono SLURPS his beer.

JONO – You two are the ‘mentals.

The Host casts an uneasy glance at Jono.

HOST – With thumb wrestling now part of the Olympics…

Jono BELCHES off-camera; The Host briefly looks his way disapprovingly then back to the camera.

HOST – …we sent our roving reporter Sam to uncover its history.

(to be continued)

About quantumpirate

Professional geek, amateur epigrammatist, vaguely piratey.

Posted on June 7, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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